5. 采用大屏幕真彩控制器,簡潔明了的氨氣試驗專用界面,簡單的編程設定,充分的數據儲存手段:SD卡、S485、232等標準接口。
容積和尺寸 Capacity and dimension | |||||||
標稱內容積 Nominal interior capacity(milemeter) | 7.92 | ||||||
標稱內箱尺寸 Interior dimension (mm) | W1500XH2200XD2400 | ||||||
門孔尺寸 Door hole size(mm) | 單開Single type W1200XH2200 | ||||||
性能 Performance | |||||||
溫度范圍 Temperature range | 20℃~+85℃ | ||||||
溫度波動度 Temperature fluctuation | ±0.5℃ | ||||||
溫度波動度(空載條件下,設備在穩定狀態下,工作空間中心點溫度隨時間的變化量,實測最高溫度與最低溫度之的一半,以+-表示,即溫度波動度 Temperature fluctuation (when the equipment is in stable and unladen condition, the variation value of middle point temperature of working space with the time, half of the actual max. temperature and min. temperature, it is called the temperature fluctuation) | |||||||
溫度偏差 Temperature deviation | ±2℃ | ||||||
空載條件下,設備中心點在規定時間內測量的平均值與設備顯示溫度平均值之差,即溫度偏差Temperature deviation (when unladed, the difference of the average value tested by the middle point of equipment within set time and the average value of temperature displayed by the equipment. It is called temperature deviation | |||||||
溫度均勻度 Temperature uniformity | ≦2℃ | ||||||
空載條件下,設備達到穩定后,每次測試中實測最高溫度與最低溫度之差的算術平均值,即溫度均勻度 When the equipment is stable and unladed, the arithmetic average of the difference between max. temperature and min. temperature of each test. It is called temperature uniformity | |||||||
濕度范圍Humidity range | 25~100%RH(+20℃~+85℃)如圖1所示 refer to Chart 1 | ||||||
相對濕度偏差 Relative humidity deviation | +2,-3%RH(>75%RH) | ||||||
空載條件下,設備中心點在規定時間內測量的平均值與設備顯示溫度平均值之差,即溫度偏差when unladed, the difference of the average value tested by the middle point of equipment within set time and the average value of temperature displayed by the equipment. It is called relative humidity deviation | |||||||
氨濃度 Ammonia concentration | 0~10000ppm可調(adjustable) | ||||||
測試標準 Test standard | GB/T5170.2-2008 | ||||||
指定試驗曲線 Specify test curve | 滿足標準IEC62716氨檢測試驗要求(如圖2所示) can meet Ammonia test standard IEC62716 (refer to Chart 2) |
版權所有:宏瑞達科技(蘇州)有限公司 蘇ICP備17048666號 網站百度排名技術支持:王新剛 15850226710
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